Upcoming events and sessions

Indoor skate sessions!

Wer'e back indoors for the winter! Join us at Murrayside Community Centre in Ipswich every Sunday through November - March to avoid the bad weather and enjoy skating.

We have portable ramps in the hall including quarter pipes, kicker ramps, ledges and rails!

the format of the sessions will go as follows:

13:00 - 15:00 - Private 1 to 1 lessons

15:00 - 16:00 - Beginner Group Lesson

16:00 - 17:00 - Improver Group Lesson

17:00 - 20:00 - Open skate

We have a Kicker Ramp, 6ft Flat bar rail, small Wedge ramp, Manny pad/grindbox, grind ledge and two 2ft Quarterpipes.

Any equipment like helmets, pads and boards can be provided if needed. 


1 to 1 lessons - £35

Group lessons - £20 per person

Open skate - £3 entry

Where to go

The Murryside community centre is situated off of Nacton Road in Ipswich. The car park is behind the hall and not visible from the road. 

directly next to the hall you should see a gate and road which leads behind the centre to the car park. This is available to park at for free for the duration of however long you wish to skate. 

Murrayside Community Centre,

Nacton Road,




if you struggle to find it still then just get in touch.